Make Open Rates and Conversions Skyrocket with Segmentation

User segmentation is the key to effective communication with your customers. By dividing users into segments and delivering the right content for each of them, you can achieve mind-blowing results and make your open rates and conversions skyrocket (and we mean it).

Not all marketers realize the enormous importance of user segmentation and that it can be the key to reaching a company's goals. Done correctly, segmentation helps ensure your prospects get the right information, in the right format, at the right time. It has huge impact on open rates, conversions and, as a result, revenue.

To get the most out of segmentation and make your communication more effective, it's important to choose the most relevant segmentation criteria. There's a lot to choose from, so you need to understand which ones fit your business goals better. For example, if you have an online store, and your main goal is increasing sales, it's wise to implement user behavior segmentation. There are some users that often visit the pages of certain product categories, so it's highly likely they'll be interested in related special offers and updates. Such notifications will have higher CTR and increase your sales.

Segmentation criteria can include:

  • Previous Purchases

What did your customers previously buy and when did they buy it? Identify upselling and cross-selling opportunities for each segment and target your existing customers to increase repeat purchases. Deliver the most relevant shopping experience to each user, maximize your sales and revenue.

  • User satisfaction with your app

With Pushwoosh, you can study your users' behavior and divide them into "happy" and "unhappy segments". Based on that, you can choose the right way of communicating with them.

This is what you can do: collect positive user feedback and increase your app rating in stores by asking only "happy" users to rate it. The "unhappy segment" can also be asked to provide feedback via email and help you improve your products!

  • Cart Abandonment

It happens all the time – customers add items to their carts and then don’t buy them. Sending targeted pushes to those who forgot about their carts allows you to personalize your messages and trigger a return visit.

💡 Send different pushes depending on the time that’s passed since the abandonment.

  • Purchase & visit frequency

How often do your users visit, how often do they buy? This type of segmentation is perfect for launching a loyalty program. Show appreciation and love to your loyal customers, reward them for their activity, stimulate newcomers and those who hesitate to buy more.

Uncover all opportunities of RFM segmentation with Pushwoosh and develop a targeted communication strategy for each segment
  • Preferred content

Do certain types of content resonate with specific user groups? Some segments get easily engaged by one type of content, but others prefer something else. Segment your audiences by their content preferences to increase open rates of your messages and boost engagement rates.

  • Point in the sales funnel

Where does this prospect fall? Are they still making decisions or actually buying? Segmentation helps you nurture leads by providing content at the correct times based on where the prospect is in your funnel.

Start using Pushwoosh Customer Journey Builder to align your marketing campaigns to a customer journey. Move your prospects down the sales funnel with the help of timely personalized cross-channel communications.

  • City & Country/Language/Age/OS version and many more

Personalization opportunities are limitless with Pushwoosh. Maximize relevance and make your relationships with customers as warm and personal as they can be.

Real results of implementing segmentation

There are many examples of how companies achieve their goals using Segmentation.

E-commerce: 20x CTR growth

One of our clients, an e-commerce website, implemented segmentation based on user behavior and has achieved fantastic results.

Before segmentation, their broadcast pushes typically had 0.5% CTRs.

After they started using segmentation based on users' favorite product categories (page visits), it's risen to over 10%!

Implementing segmentation resulted in 20x CTR growth, because users started getting notifications about the products they're interested in.

For example, a user who has often visited the Children's clothes category, now gets notified about new collections, hot deals, and discounts in that category, and it's highly likely they will click on a message and make a purchase.

Media: 7–9% CTRs and audience growth

Another great example is the weather forecasting portal, It uses Segmentation to deliver the most relevant weather alerts to each user. The app offers multi-level subscription, where you can choose what types of weather alerts you want to receive.

Segmentation based on preferred content allows users to get only those updates that they deem important. Such pushes have a high CTR (on average 7–9%) and contribute to audience growth.

Try Pushwoosh segmentation tools and make your conversions skyrocket!

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