Level Up Your Messaging Personalization with Pushwoosh

Let's bring back "personal" into personalization! Use these Pushwoosh features to make your messages sound like they were sent from (and to!) a human being, not a marketing automation machine.

Dynamic content

Personalize your push notifications and emails precisely, specifying any attribute from the events a user has triggered. Mention the level a game player has achieved, the exact product a customer has added to the cart or that very in-app achievement a user has unlocked.

Dynamic segments with the Update User Profile feature

With the Update User Profile feature in Pushwoosh Customer Journey Builder, you can create dynamic segments based on user characteristics and their real-time reactions. This way, you can segment users by the target action they took (or didn’t take) and tag user segments for A/B/N testing. Set User-specific Tags and update information about a specific user no matter how many devices they have assigned.

Geo-targeted messages

Geozones are pins on the map that allow sending automatically triggered push notifications right at the moment a user enters the specified area on the map. Its range can be set from 50 to 1000 meters, and it has an adjustable cooldown period.

Multi-language messages

Pushwoosh lets you send multi-language messages within one single push. Since Pushwoosh always knows which language is set on each of your subscribed devices, the platform will suggest to you the most popular languages in your database for consideration. Based on this information, you can create several versions of your text in order to overcome language barriers, especially for multinational apps.

Approach each customer personally with Pushwoosh

The era of generic messaging has long passed. Even basic personalization is not enough anymore. To navigate the demanding world of customer communications, you need a reliable ally that will equip you with both technology and knowledge. Pushwoosh can become one for you. Get in touch with our team to discover all the features of our powerful customer engagement platform and meet the people that will help you achieve your desired growth.

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