Getting Rich With iOS 10 Rich Push Notifications

Pushwoosh Introduces Rich Push Notifications for iOS 10 Devices

The release of iOS 10 has redefined the mobile engagement and made push campaigns so diverse you can hardly imagine! You are now able to level up your iOS pushes with Rich Media content by adding images, GIFs, audio and video files. Today’s push notifications are getting smarter and more interactive, letting you choose how to react!

What About 3D Touch?

Rich content gives massive opportunities to build your own remarkable push campaign. 3D Touch makes a difference changing the way users respond to push notification. Back in days, you could either close the push or tap it to open a URL or an app. Now you can explore the rich content a push message is sharing right from the lock screen or notification center! This makes push messaging far less annoying and provides app subscribers with a brand new level of user experience.

The range of rich media types are truly vast and can be used to make a push message as personal and appealing as possible.

For example, sport apps can impress their users with smashing highlights in real time, being spectacular and relevant at the same time!

News agencies can send audio and video to give users a short summary of breaking news. Retailers are now able to send personalized offers with high-quality banners and showcases. Geo-tracking app’s owners can now use animated routes to show travelers the best directions.

Regardless of the industry, Rich Push Notifications are the right way to give your audience a valuable, enhanced experience and distinguish your product. That’s why we just can’t image a reason why you shouldn’t try this amazing iOS 10 feature right now!

How to Integrate iOS 10 Rich Notifications to the Project

Please check our iOS configuration guide and iOS10 Notification Service Extension example to enable Rich Push Notifications. Also please note that we’ve released Pushwoosh iOS SDK 4.1.3 to improve stability.

Don’t hesitate to reach out! If you have any questions or inquiries, please drop us a line via or Contact Us form on our website. We are always here to help you.