Chrome Web Pushes are supported on Android

Last week we announced support for Chrome web push notifications, which allows you to establish the most convenient channel of communication with your website audience. With 49% desktop browsers market share of Chrome it provides huge opportunities for brands to engage with their audience in a modern and handy manner.

But what’s even more exciting is that Chrome notifications work across desktop and mobile versions of the browser on Android, so there’s no necessity to develop a native mobile application. It means that for the very first time you can reach out to your users regardless of the device they are using, how cool is that?

And, that’s another 27% of the mobile web audience, which is huge, isn’t it?

The user experience is the same as with native Android push notifications – they are asked to opt-in once they open your website, and then receive regular push notifications that lead them to your site in Chrome, and that is achieved with one and the same code.